WWKIPWorld Wide Knit in Public er ved at falde på plads over hele Danmark. Der er flere steder at trække til den 14. juni, hvis man har lyst til medbringe strikke- eller hækletøjet til nogle fornøjelige timer i selskab med andre med samme interesse.

I Århus står Hanne for arrangementet, som løber af stabelen på det grønne område foran Musikhuset, på bænkene ved det sydlige springvand, klokken 13.00.

Århus er ikke det eneste sted. Også i København, Ry og ikke mindst på Fur er der mulighed for at deltage.

Her er lidt fakta om initiativet:

World Wide Knit in Public Day was started in 2005 by Danielle Landes. It began as a way for knitters to come together and enjoy each other’s company. Knitting is such a solitary act that it’s easy to knit alone somewhere and sink into your work without thinking about all the other knitters out there. Neighbors could spend all their lives never knowing that the other knits. This a specific day to get out of your house and go to a local event (with your knitting in tow) just for you and people like you. Who knows you might even bump into your neighbor! Consider this a spark, to ignite a fire; getting all of the closeted knitters out into fresh air.

WWKiP Day is unique, in that it’s the largest knitter run event in the world. Each local event is put together by a volunteer or a group of volunteers. They each organize an event because they want to, not because they have to. They bring their own fresh ideas into planning where the event should be held, and what people would like to do. If it weren’t for these volunteer hosts, WWKiP Day would still just be an idea. So when you go to your local event, make sure you thank your host(s) and if you’re inclined, bring along some yummy treats to share.In the past some people have used this event as a means to show the general public that ‘not only grannies knit!’ and while that’s great and all, keep in mind that without those ‘grannies’ we wouldn’t have the wealth of knitting knowledge that we do.

WWKiP Day is really about showing the general public that knitting can be a community activity in a very distinct way. In some places there are many different knitting groups that never interact with each other, on WWKiP Day they come together in one place, making them hard to miss.

I 2008 vil der være mere end 200 lokaliteter over hele verden, som lægger plads til en omgang Knit in Public. Måske du skulle samle strikkepindene sammen og komme afsted den 14. juni. Hvis du gider, kan du finde en oversigt over de forskellige, danske steder lige her.

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