Når tingene er lidt anderledes

Når man vælger The International Baccalaureate® (IB) i stedet for en STX, er der mange små forskelle. En af dem er, at man for at skabe balance i sit ungdoms- og studieliv, skal deltage i forskellige CAS-projekter. CAS står for Creativity, Action og Service og der skal lægges en i forvejen fastlagt timetal i hver disciplin. Altså tvangsaktiviteter, som mødre og fædre ikke skal tvinge deres ungdomssløvsindsramte og zoombielignende unge mennesker til. De har ikke noget valg. Ha!

Oline har været vidt omkring og er på den måde blevet klogere på sig selv. Det kan hendes mor lide :-)

Hun skriver lidt om det nedenfor, for de, som gider læse engelsk:

Communicating to a Broader Audience

Throughout my years of IB I have participated in 8 CAS projects. Some of which have been to my benefit, such as running and hiking, and some which have also benefitted others, such as helping to plan IB Day, being a buddy for a new student, and teaching a biology class. I have also developed creatively through some of my projects, such as baking and roleplaying.

My CAS projects have helped me develop in many ways, such as helping me overcome my shyness, and helping me find creative solutions such as making running more fun by using an interactive story app on my phone. I would say, however, that the project that has helped me develop the most is when I taught a biology class. It really helped me as a student as it helped me understand how my teachers might feel when teaching. I was having difficulties getting any response out of the students I taught, but through this I learned how my teachers might want me to respond so they know I am paying attention and am participating.

In conclusion, through my CAS projects I developed in multiple ways. My creative projects such as baking helped me improve my creative skills, roleplaying helped me overcome my shyness, and especially teaching has given me benefits as a student as I know how I can help my teacher by being more responsive in class.

/Oline Weller

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