Det tager kun ½ time…

Nu skal ingen komme og sige om min amerikanske ven Jeff, at han ikke er initiativrig. Ingen kan med troværdighed anføre, at han ikke er fuld af ideer og tilmed ser han mange alternative muligheder for at tjene en skilling eller to.

Jeff har endnu aldrig præsenteret mig for en plan, som ikke havde potentiale for et ret stort udbytte og altid med en minimal arbejdsindsats. Det er sådan noget Jeff er god til. At udtænke store planer og endda dem der ikke kræver den store arbejdsindsats.

Det halter straks lidt, når det kommer til udførslen af dem. Lige så snart det viser sig at kræve meget mere end det Jeff yder på ide-planet, kan det være ligemeget. Er der ikke forståelse for Jeffs geni, kan det også være ligemeget. Kan ingen se, at Jeff er ide-manden, teoretikeren og ikke praktikeren, kan det også være ligemeget.

Denne gang har han fået endnu en fantastisk ide…

“Richard and I are planting about 300 plants this year out in the country. We are going to be about 7 miles from the nearest road and about 65 miles from the nearest town.”

“Once again he shows his great entreprenuring potential… but in the swamps or….?”

“No, we are doing this up north Alabama near Mississippi and the Tennessee borders!”

“Hmmm… and this is a wise decision Jeff? Don’t you think somebody will find them – maybe even the local sherif. If he does all the hard works just lost…”

“It’s about 3 hours away and nobody is going to find them,,,some of these places havnt been walked on by human feet since Spain sailed over here,,,and i swear thats the truth,,,theres even an old Spanish Fort there,,,the only thing left is a few of the old cannons but it was there once!”

“Well, not only is this against the law in Alabama BIG TIME, but you’re also telling me that you’re gonna plant 300 plants. How the hell did you imagine getting those plants out of the woods up there? And then what? Where are you gonna dry it? How are you gonna preserve it for selling, which I presume you are…? Oh my… Jeffrey, this is just one more of your lousy plans. Go get an ordinary job instead. It might hurt a bit in the beginning, but it will be worth it. At least to your family…”

“No! We are going to “Pill Bottle” plant them,,,then when they sprout we will leave them for about 3 months then come back and harvest the buds. We are going to have to hike all the bud out of there though on foot and horse back!”

“Hmmm… and you still think it’a a great plan, don’t ya?”
“Yeah, sure I do,,,”

Ja, jeg ved jo godt hvad der sker…
Når Jeff opdager, at det tager tid og koster sved at plante 300 små cannabisplanter… så er den plan opgivet igen. Jeg kan kun håbe, at det sker INDEN de to tosser står oppe på marken i nærheden af grænsen til Tennessee og helst INDEN sherif Måneskin opdager dem…

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