Illustration Friday – kom med dit bud…
Se alle de fantastiske bud p� denne fredags tema: Jazz…
Hmm… this one almost made me cry like a baby.
I’m a sissy when things get’s tough :-(
I love Billie – so it had to be her, but that’s what almost made me cry. Who on Earth can make a Billie… Who? Well… I know a lot of talented people, who does absolutely fantastic Billies, but I don’t and that’s a truly sad thing.
No, actually I’m just a sissy…
I told you…
Have a very nice and fantastic weekend :-)
- fartglad professionel strikker, grafiker, illustrator, ordjonglør, tegnsprogstolk og mor til to - én levende - én nu kun i hjertet. Jeg stiler mod at skrive dagligt på Slagt en hellig ko. Taler og tegner og både med og uden hænder og er flittig og uopfordret ansøger til jobbet som ferieafløser for The Stig.
Jeg har Danmarks absolut bedst udbyggede garnlager. Jeg kan turbostrikke, tegne temmelig godt og overleve det meste. Jeg kan også sejle i kano, spise oliven og elske, så man næsten dør af det. Jeg kan grine. Højt og længe. Jeg elsker spas og så er jeg mor og mormor. Det sidste trumfer det meste.
16 kommentarer
6. marts 2005 at 12:58Thank you missdaze :-)
6. marts 2005 at 12:49I think this is really nice. I love the colors and the depth. The stars are a nice embellishment. Great retro look to it.
5. marts 2005 at 08:22Thank you violetismycolour – I’m not that happy with this one, but it’s nice to hear others liking it :-)
No, I do not do art for a living. I would love to though, but life made me do something completely different 15 years ago. Today I’m a signlanguage-interpreter.
Years ago I worked as Art Director and I’m a trained graphic, but haven’t used it for many years. I would love to though :-)
At this time in my life, I’m thinking about how to do art for a living. I want to. At least part time. :-)
5. marts 2005 at 02:05Oh Liselotte, You have truly outdone yourself on this one. I love the hair, the expressive eyes, her dress, the flowers in her hair, the cigarette in her hand and all the lovely textures.
So, do you do art for a living?
4. marts 2005 at 19:45Looks like a good billy to me. Have a great weekend!
4. marts 2005 at 15:58Og jeg er med i bilen hos Morten og JR. Bare jeg dog kunne lave noget tilsvarende.. s? skulle jeg v?re glad! Men jeg kan ikke f? mine streger – vektor – til at klappe *suk* Burde nok have undervisning… man skulle v?re grafiker skulle man s?!! Ja!! ;P
4. marts 2005 at 15:11I adore this! The color, the detail, the light! It’s fabulous!
4. marts 2005 at 13:36Tak Morten og JR – der er dog stadig ting jeg ikke er tilfreds med denne gang, men s?dan skal det ogs? v?re en gang imellem ;-)
4. marts 2005 at 13:35Thanks for the comments – they made me happy :-)
4. marts 2005 at 12:40Jeg hopper med p? mortens vogn!
4. marts 2005 at 11:40Og s? er du ogs? overordentlig beskeden.
Jeg nyder dine grafiske udgydelser HVER fredag
4. marts 2005 at 09:09Randi – jeg er lige s? principl?s som jeg ender med at v?re tandl?s ;-)
4. marts 2005 at 08:07I like your illu… especially the right part. The colors work well together.
3. marts 2005 at 22:43Very nice, love the orange tones.
3. marts 2005 at 21:57Liselotte! Det er jo stadig torsdag! Jeg troede du var en kvinde af principper ;-)
3. marts 2005 at 21:57I think it’s wonderful…